1970's Art by Vladimir Urban

1970's Art by Vladimir Urban
Amazing wood collage by Russian artist Vladimir Urban. This is truly an amazing work. I have been unable to find much information on the artist. The only work I have found by him was in 1979. The following is the information regarding a piece he had done in 1979.
Vladimir Urban Gives 12 ft x 18 ft Assemblage Artwork. 1979.
N. Y. C. Assemblage -- Vladimir Urban gives his 12 ft x 18 ft Assemblage a final look before it was viewed by the public In at its first showing. At the National Art Center. It was a labor of three months end 12 hours a day. This is the 12 ft by 8 ft Assemblage created by Vladimir Urban that went on display for the 1st time at The National Art Center. October 30, 1979.
The piece I have been fortunate to acquire is 30.5 x 48.5 x 7. You can look at it for hours and find something new each time. My pictures do no do it justice.